Milšped Group is part of the prestigious iFLOWS vision project supported by the European Union

Our company became part of the prestigious iFLOWS vision project, supported by the European Union. This project aims to influence the development of advanced technologies for scanning and detecting illegal material in postal and courier flows, and our active involvement in this project provides us with an exceptional opportunity to expand knowledge in the field of security in the organization of transport through the analysis of logistics processes and activities. In this way, we can identify risks and improve our services.
As an expert company with rich experience in the field of logistics, we play an important role in the development and implementation of the iFLOWS project, providing testing, integration and sustainability support in logistics services. Our deep practical knowledge of logistics processes enables us to gain valuable insights and perspectives in identifying threats and risks. If the need and justification of investment is recognized, Milšped is ready to integrate iFLOWS solutions into its existing logistics services. Such a scenario would enable the application of iFLOWS technologies in a real business environment, which would affect the improvement of transport safety and the efficiency of Milšped services.
Our involvement in the iFLOWS project represents Milšped's commitment to developing a system that supports sustainable logistics processes and reduces the negative impact on the environment.
We are proud to be a part of such an important project like iFLOWS vision, which allows us to keep up with global trends and provide innovative solutions in the logistics industry. Our role as a contributor to the development of new modern technologies is of great importance, and we invest time and resources in the development of systems that follow global market trends and support continuous growth in accordance with the highest world standards.