Automotive Logistics
Milšped AML d.o.o is a part of the group whose potential is directed towards the creation of logistic solutions intended for automotive industry. Long-term dedication to this logistic segment, as well a successful fulfillment of requirements of multinational companies in this field, provided Milšped with comparative advantage on the market and prevalence in the provision of services related to automotive logistics.

/ Automotive Logistics
Car Transport
Throughout Europe, we provide services of international and internal vehicle transportation, by integrating the proven partner network. Own fleet of trucks and equipment’s of new generation guarantee quality, economically, ecologically, efficiently transport and short handling times
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/ Automotive Logistics
Customs Brokerage
Services of consulting, preparation of documents, electronic application submission, free use of bank guarantee; our great experience in customs brokerage and organization can provide you fast solution and efficient customs clearance.
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/ Automotive Logistics
Vehicle Storage
Your vehicles on our storage are completely safe, with enough space for quality manipulation and the possibilities for regular control and maintenance. Also, on the vehicle storage are additional services for care and preparation cars for delivery.
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/ Automotive Logistics
Port Koper
Cooperation with various global ship-owners provides a high degree of reliability regarding overseas dispatch in all continents of the world.Thanks to our excellent business relationship with the Port of Koper with big experience as well as with custom we can provide our services in a professional manner with highest level of trust.
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/ Automotive Logistics
Rail Vehicle Transport
Rail transport is suitable for transporting large quantities, especially when we talk about block trains with double decks. Also, there is not traffic problems (traffic jams, accidents,roadblocks or weather conditions).With our wagons and specialists to organize a locomotive, we have full rail logistics.
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/ Automotive Logistics
Spare Parts
By using our resources, you will avoid unnecessary spare part supplies and higher level of flexibility.We can offer you fast and good quality solutions, from shipment takeover at any location,transportation, customs clearance and storage, to the delivery to end users. We offer the possibility of establishing and managing the central spare part warehouse (for Serbia or the region)–cost optimization, flexibility, timely delivery!
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