Milšped Group helps in implementing ENSURESEC

Milsped Group is now a member of the consortium made up of the leading European research and business entities that together implement the ENSURESEC project. It’s been financed by European Commission through HORIZON2020, which is the biggest EU project for research and innovation.
ENSURESEC is a sociotechnical solution for safeguarding the Digital Single Market’s e-commerce operations against cyber and physical threats. It combines an automatic and open-source toolkit for protecting e-commerce, with monitoring a the impact of threats in physical space and a campaign for training SMEs and citizens aimed at creating awareness and trust. ENSURESEC addresses the whole gamut of modern e-commerce, from standard physical products purchased online and delivered via post, to entirely virtual products or services delivered online. It addresses threats ranging from maliciously modifying web e-commerce applications or rendering them unavailable to legitimate customers, to delivery issues or fraud committed by insiders or customers.
Milsped plays a particularly important role in the project implementation with its own logistic infrastructure made available for providing an end-to-end logistic support to the e-commerce supply chain. We are particularly proud of the fact that Milsped is the only company from Serbia that has taken part in the implementation and evaluation of such a significant project, as well as of the fact that we are the only member company whose headquarters are not located in the EU.
You can read more about the project at: