Milšped Slovenia in top 100 companies in Slovenia

Milšped Slovenia, a member of the Milšped Group, has been included among the top 100 companies in the transport industry. During this recognition, CEO Brankica Mavretić emphasized the expectation of both quantitative and qualitative growth in the upcoming period, primarily due to investments in expanding international road transport capacities, as well as planned increases in the volume of transportation in both the maritime and air segments.
In an interview with Finance.Si, she highlighted that this year presented challenges but, thanks to their efforts, Milšped Slovenia has forged even closer partnerships with customers in the aviation and maritime sectors, with a focus on developing individual solutions. “Growth remains our core strategy,“ Brankica stated. “I believe that Milšped Group will continue to grow in 2024 thanks to the development of intermodal solutions and green technologies. We are establishing intermodal connections from Koper to Ljubljana and Niš, developing electric delivery, and proudly announce that we are already collaborating with partners in Ljubljana on the delivery of electric delivery trucks.“
In conclusion, she emphasized that, despite the challenges ahead, they remain optimistic and committed to growth. The situation is constantly evolving, but they are prepared to adapt and continue providing excellent service to their clients.