The presense of Milšped Group at the VI E – Mobility Forum

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The Sixth E-Mobility Forum, focusing on the challenges and innovative technological solutions in the fields of automotive technological solutions in the fields of automotive and urban mobility, was held on October 11 and 12, 2023. The event was organized by NAAEV in collaboration with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, and with the support of the Faculty of Traffic and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Belgrade. Throughout the two-day conference, more than twenty distinguished experts from Serbia, Europe, America, and China engaged in separate sessions to discuss topics such as “Feature Mobility”, “Mobility and Energy” and “Sustainable Logistics”.

Representing Milšped Group, colleague Marko Ivković had the opportunity to present the AutoStore project, which involves the implementation of robotic technology in warehouse management processes and represents an extremely promising direction for the future of the logistics industry.

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