Milšped Group at the conference Transport and logistics: in the heart of economy
In Belgrade was held the conference “Transport and Logistics: at the Heart of the Economy” organized by Chamber of Commerce and Industry od Serbia in partnership with Confindustria Serbia, Slovenian business club and Croatian Chamber of Commerce.
In Belgrade was held the conference “Transport and Logistics: at the Heart of the Economy” organized by Chamber of Commerce and Industry od Serbia in partnership with Confindustria Serbia, Slovenian business club and Croatian Chamber of Commerce.
In Belgrade was held the conference “Transport and Logistics: at the Heart of the Economy” organized by Chamber of Commerce and Industry od Serbia in partnership with Confindustria Serbia, Slovenian business club and Croatian Chamber of Commerce.
“Bearing in mind the export orientation and signed contracts in China, we expect a larger volume of work, bearing in mind that Serbia is on the Silk Road route and in this regard we hope to eliminate bollenecks at certain border crossings, and new infrastructure capacities tha will enable unhindered flow of goods,” said Velizar Perunović at the conference.
Participation in this logistics conference is of great importance, especially taking into account its conclusions which are focused on strategic determinants for the industry – investing in cargo air transport infrastructure, railways, considering the introduction of digital passports and simplifying administrative and other customs and border procedures.